avinash wrote a tutorial on how to login with Facebook using Laravel Socialite.

facebook login laravel

Login with Facebook in laravel using Socialite

Hello everyone, welcome to justlaravel.com here i will tell you how to implement Socialite package with Facebook login.

Follow these simple steps below,

  • Create an app at facebook developers

  • Store the app credentials like Client ID and Client Secret in your app's .env file

  • Call the Socialite redirect() and callback() functions.

All these steps are clearly explained at the original post:

Post Link: http://justlaravel.com/laravel-social-login-using-socialite?utm_source=learninglaravel.net

Working Demo: http://demos.justlaravel.com/laravel_social_login_using_socialite/?utm_source=learninglaravel.net

Github Repo: https://github.com/avinashn/Laravel_Social_Login-Socialite/?utm_source=learninglaravel.net