The two of us come together in this raw footage of building a Blog in Laravel. You get both the insights of an experienced Laravel Software Writer (Alfred Nutile) and the questions of a WordPress developer new to Laravel, (Joe Bacal)

By the time you are done with this series you will know how to go from 0 to Deploy with Laravel. We will end up with a fully automated deployment to Forge via a simple push to github!

The RoadMap

Getting Started, Install, Scaffolding, Blog/Post Index, Create, Validation etc

Pagination, Seeding, Search

Authentication, Relating to a User, Theme getting started, Navigation

Tags, Image Uploading, Theme Footer and Shared Views Data, Cache.

Setting up Homestead, Forge, Deployment

Gulp and Assets Management, Static Pages

Contact Form, Queues, Mail

Angular Widgets, APIs and SPA (Single Page Applications)

Episode 1: Getting Started, Install, Scaffolding, Blog/Post Index, Create, Validation etc

Episode 2: Pagination, Search and Authentication!

Episode 3: Relations, Theme Work and CSS Fun

Episode 4: Tagging, Image Uploads and Searching