Here is a simple way to manage storing and displaying dates and times in Laravel in the user's timezone.

First of all, we are going to store all dates and times in UTC. In Laravel, make sure that the timezone is set to UTC in config/app.php

Second, you'll need a way to let users specify their timezone. I'll leave that up to the reader for now. You can either do this through a settings page, or auto-detect it with JavaScript. I prefer to store timezones as an hourly offset from UTC, e.g. -5 for Central time, -4 for Eastern.

Finally, we'll have a base model that all of our Eloquent models extend. If you already have one you can just add this function to it.

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

class Model extends Eloquent
     * Display timestamps in user's timezone
    protected function asDateTime($value)
        if ($value instanceof Carbon) {
            return $value;

        $me = \Auth::user();
        $tz = $me->timezone ?: \Cookie::get('tz');

        $value = parent::asDateTime($value);

        return $value->addHours($tz);

Eloquent has an asDateTime function which converts MySQL timestamps to Carbon entities. It calls this function both when setting and getting timestamps. So first we check if the $value is already a Carbon instance - if so, we return it without any adjustments, because when setting a timestamp we do NOT want to apply the timezone adjustment. **