It's Pi Day, so called because the date can be written as 3/14.

As you may now, Pi has more than 1 trillion digits. People love Pi!

What is Pi day???

Let's see what people think about this day:

"The day is often observed by eating pies or throwing them as a pun." - Facebook

"What's the official animal of Pi Day? The pi-thon."

"You should never talk to pi ... he goes on forever."

"How can I know so many digits of pi and so few digits of your phone number?"

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What scientists do today.

by Lady Penelope

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It's cake and Pi

by Happy Data Scientist

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Paint my love

By dorita

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This is a math joke involving a PIN (personal identification number).

by Hitech Panda

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An opinion without 3.14 is an onion. You'll understand!

by Darrell Wolfe

What do you think?

Let us know what you think about... well... PI!

Happy learning!