lets cut crap about intro and other stuff and head to main topic :D


  1. Create new account or login existing account in Openshift.

  2. Create new HHVM application or go to this HHVM in Openshift and set your domain name and application name in form

  3. Create Application by Click the link at end of form.

  4. After go to your Application page then clone your source code by using command "git clone ssh://[email protected]/~/git/appname.git/"

  5. "cd appname" and again use command "git clone https://github.com/laravel/laravel.git"

  6. use command "composer update" to install Laravel dependency.

  7. go to directory config nginx.d and open default.conf.erb and modify this line "root <%= ENV['OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR'] %>public;" i replace openshift variable with "public" to point nginx to public as root.

  8. and run git command "git add . -f "

  9. then, commit changes "git commit -am "your message"

  10. Push your change to master " git push"

Check site url , let me know if this work. [ well its work for me]

Laravel rocks.