How to deploy Laravel applications on shared hosting
The simple guide to deploy Laravel and Lumen application on shared hosting.
For a quick version of the guide (many of you might already read about it), read my post on medium, "The simple guide to deploy Laravel 5 application on shared hosting"
Before trying to deploy a Laravel application on a shared hosting, you need to make sure that the hosting services provide a fit requirement to Laravel. Basically, following items are required for Laravel 5.2:
PHP >= 5.5.9
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Well, it also depends on the Laravel version you want to try to install, checkout the appropriate version of Laravel server requirements documentation.
Next, you need to have the SSH access permission for your hosting account; otherwise, none of these will work.
Besides PHP and those required extensions, you might need some utilities to make deployment much easier.
Git Composer
I guess that's enough for good. Please refer to below sections to learn more about deployment.
Let's get started by understanding how we should organize the Laravel application structure. At first, you will have this or similar directories and files in your account,
www -> public_html
For the main account which tied with the main domain, the front-end code should stay in public_html or www. Since, we don't want to expose Laravel things (such as, .env, ...) to the outside world, we will hide them.
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Tags: Tutorials Laravel 5.1 Laravel 5 Laravel 5.2 Beginner v4.x v4.1 v4.2