Hello everyone, welcome back to justlaravel.com. I am back with another tutorial, here I will show you how to integrate Passport (a Laravel’s API authentication package) into your Laravel applications.

laravel project

Here I will create 2 Laravel projects, one is an API and other is the API consumer app. It basically means I will create an API with Passport package integrated. A normal Laravel app where I call the API and show its data.

Let’s get started!

Laravel API

Consumer APP

For full tutorial visit https://justlaravel.com/integrate-passport-laravel-api/

Related Links:

Post: https://justlaravel.com/integrate-passport-laravel-api/

Working Demo: https://demos.justlaravel.com/integrate-passport-laravel-api/

GitHub: https://github.com/avinashn/Laravel-Passport---API

Medium: https://medium.com/justlaravel/integrate-passport-to-your-laravel-apis-c58d0dd22c1d

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJKqSeQP_mlLdzQh4hBauovewIByGLztz