This tutorial will begin by walking you through the integration of the Laravel 5 and Bootstrap 3 themes. Afterwards, we will show you how to add PHP datagrid. If the Laravel and Bootstrap theme are already up and running on your server, you can skip directly to “Create ‘dashboard.blade.php’ Child Template View” or “Where is phpGrid?”.

Install Laravel 5 (with Composer)

Let’s get started. Laravel 5 has the following system requirements.

PHP >= 5.4

Mcrypt PHP Extension

OpenSSL PHP Extension

Mbstring PHP Extension

Tokenizer PHP Extension

Please note that these Laravel 5 system requirements apply to both the web and the command line interface. There’s always the possibility your server could be running different versions of PHP in the command line than on the web server. If this is the case, modify your PHP alias to point to the same PHP executable for both.Lastly, acquire a copy of phpGrid from download page for later use.

It’s highly recommended to use Composer to install Laravel. In order to keep the code lightweight, Laravel does not come prepackaged with any third-party libraries. Instead, it relies on Composer to manage any dependencies. Learn more on how to install Composer here.