Laravel or anything you are comfortable with making a Route and Response will work fine really.

This "messaging as a platform" is a new world for me, challenging my way of thinking in many ways. Some things just do not need a authentication of their own, a UI, etc they just need a place to get info from, or do something with some info etc.

In this case I made a really simple "Custom Slash Command" to translate British Slang to American and American to British (so I can sound cooler!)

Later I will look into bots etc but for now here is a look at a custom slash commands.

Getting API Endpoint Setup

I still do not have a great local workflow for this. There are articles about this online with secure tunnels etc. My next step is to use my wildcard cert or using to have a local url so I can make this workflow a ton easier.

But to get going I had to setup a domain with valid HTTPS. As linked above, Let's Encrypt might be a great way to setup a play area and solutions like Forge Heroku are great ways to get going quickly on getting a "POSTABLE" API in place.

What I mean by POSTABLE is that your API needs to take a POST from Slack (it can take a GET but not sure the advantage to that) but consider App you are setting up the foundation to so many cool integrations you can do with Slack all using this one server your are setting up, until of course something needs it's own space. One POSTABLE API can be like your own "If This Then That" solution in my opinion. Fun for some of us that is for sure.

Once that was setup I could start playing around.