Homestead is a pre-packaged Vagrant box that includes a good development environment. It was made and is maintained by Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel. In this post I’d like to share some tips regarding this box.

Map all sites at once

For every project a directory needs to be mapped from the host to the guest in folders-section of the yaml file. Let’s make that a bit easier. Instead of adding a specific project to the folders-section you can add the folder where all projects reside in. I personally store all sites I’m working on in the ~/dev/sites folder. So by adding that folder to the yaml file, no new mappings are needed when creating a new site.

    - map: ~/dev/sites
      to: /home/vagrant/sites

Avoid having to edit the hosts file

When adding a site to homestead you have to map an url to a public folder in the sites-section of the yaml-file. To make this work the url should be pointed to the ip address of the homestead box by adding it to your hosts file:.