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Storing images in public folder and serving them from controller in Laravel 5

Code4fun wrote a tutorial on how to store images in multiple folders and serve them from controller.

Storing images in public folder and serving them from controller in Laravel 5

Access Laravel application database information from php artisan command

thedevsaddam wrote a nice Laravel package that we can use to display our app's database schema information from Terminal.

Access Laravel application database information from php artisan command

Build a Trello clone app with Laravel GitScrum

renatomarinho released a nice Laravel package that we can use to build a task management app..

Build a Trello clone app with Laravel GitScrum

Build a forum app with Laravel 5.3 and Vue.js 2!

AshMenhennett released a package that we can use to build a forum app using Laravel 5.3 and Vue.js 2!

Build a forum app with Laravel 5.3 and Vue.js 2!

Laravel multi-app or modular applications development

mrabbani wrote a package to help us to divide our app into modules and manage all modules easily.

Laravel multi-app or modular applications development

Building a Laravel user conversation system in a few minutes with Laravel Talk

nahid just released Laravel Talk Version 2, which is a package that we can use to develop a messaging system.

Building a Laravel user conversation system in a few minutes with Laravel Talk

Learn how to access Instagram Feed using Instagram API with Laravel 5

Hardik Savani shows us how to access Instagram Feed using instagram API with Laravel 5.

Learn how to access Instagram Feed using Instagram API with Laravel 5

PHP 7.1 has been released with some new features!

PHP 7.1.0 is now available. It comes with numerous improvements and new features:

PHP 7.1 has been released with some new features!