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How to make a copy of a row in Laravel using Eloquent

Today I want to tell you about one “hidden” Laravel feature which is in the system but not in documentation – replicate. This function allows you to make a copy of a row in the fastest way possible.

How to make a copy of a row in Laravel using Eloquent

Laravel Horizon is now available!

We just have a new open source software which can monitor our queues. It comes with a beautiful dashboard and code-driven configuration.

Laravel Horizon is now available!

Building a Realtime Chat App with Laravel 5.4 and VueJS

A tutorial that aims to help you build a chat app with the implementation of Laravel Echo, Vue and Pusher.

Building a Realtime Chat App with Laravel 5.4 and VueJS

How to Use Queue in Laravel 5.4 For Email Verification

I will demonstrate how you can use Queue in Laravel 5.4 for email verification by using integrated auth RegisterController..

How to Use Queue in Laravel 5.4 For Email Verification

Optimize images in your Laravel app

Freekmurze released a nice package which we can use to optimize PNGs, JPGs, SVGs and GIFs by running them through a chain of various image optimization tools.

Optimize images in your Laravel app

Laravel 5 Translatable - Translate our models to different languages

askaoru released a nice package that we can use to create models with translations.

Laravel 5 Translatable - Translate our models to different languages

Quickly adding projects to Laravel Homestead using Homeboy

Homeboy is a great tool for automating sites using Laravel Homestead.

Quickly adding projects to Laravel Homestead using Homeboy

Laravel Media Manager - A media manager built using Laravel and Vue.js

ctf0 released a free media manager, built using Laravel and Vue.js.

Laravel Media Manager - A media manager built using Laravel and Vue.js