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Tutorial: Add Social Login to Laravel Applications

Social login is one of the easiest options for users to log into your site. At Stormpath, we’ve made social login easy for you to build by adding Facebook and Google login to the Stormpath Laravel integration.

In this tutorial, I will show you how

Tutorial: Add Social Login to Laravel Applications

Exploring Laravel's Custom Blade Directives

Earlier today, I was working on coding up a design that displays a varying number of cards - each with a unique title and description… think Masonry/Pinterest-esque. I’ve been using Model Factories to stub out a bunch of cards, all with

Creating a password-less, Medium-style, email-only authentication system in Laravel

Recently I was working on a project where one of our major pain points was users' passwords. Users were added to the application by administrators, so they didn't have passwords when they were first added, and forcing them to set and rememb

LaraDock - Like Laravel Homestead but for Docker instead of Vagrant.

LaraDock helps you run your Laravel App on Docker in seconds.

LaraDock - Like Laravel Homestead but for Docker instead of Vagrant.

Laravel 5.1 - easily enable CORS

Fábio Vedovelli shares a great tip on how to enable CORS to allow browsers to request and receive data from other domains.

Laravel Software Install Script Template/Process

Many developers find it kinda confusing at first on how to go about creating install scripts for clients or users of open source projects. This is a simple template/step-by-step process to help you accomplish that. You can fork, contribute to it or j

A modern backup solution for Laravel apps

Today our team released a new major version of [laravel-backup][1]. It can backup the files and databases of your application to one or more external filesystems. It uses Laravel’s native cloud filesystem to do this. The package can also notify

Upload and edit image using Croppic jQuery plugin

I often have to code image upload widgets for profile photos or some kind of image editing feature. Each website layout uses custom photo sizes and cropping those image on server side could cause image distortion. Because of this I like to put image