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A modern web player built with Vue.js: Podlove Webplayer

Podlove Webplayer is a Podcast-optimized, HTML5-based audio player, written using Vue.js.

A modern web player built with Vue.js: Podlove Webplayer

Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects

vue-parallax is a compontent for fast 60fps parallax scroll effects in vue 2.

Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects

Laravel 5.7  -  API authentification with Laravel Passport

Martin Riedweg wrote a nice tutorial on how to develop a full API authentication system which can be used by any application which is able to perform requests.

Laravel 5.7  -  API authentification with Laravel Passport

Voice-Controlled Web Visualizations with Vue.js and Machine Learning

Sarah Drasner wrote a nice tutorial on how to create a voice-controlled web visualization using Vue.

Voice-Controlled Web Visualizations with Vue.js and Machine Learning

Monitoring a Laravel Application with Telescope

francesco shows us how to monitor a Laravel app with Telescope.

Monitoring a Laravel Application with Telescope

A full guide to install and set up Laravel Telescope

ErWeb has a good video tutorial on how to install and set up Laravel Telescope - a new official Laravel package.

A full guide to install and set up Laravel Telescope

Learn how to load Eloquent relationship counts

timacdonald wrote a nice tutorial on how to load Eloquent relationship counts.

Learn how to load Eloquent relationship counts

Deep Dive into VuePress: Craft a Clean Documentation & Blog

Charles Ouellet - the author of VuePress - shows us how to build a blog using VuePress.

Deep Dive into VuePress: Craft a Clean Documentation & Blog