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Learn how to integrate Paypal payment gateway with Laravel 5.4

Hardik Savani wrote a nice tutorial on how to integrate Paypal payment gateway with Laravel 5.4.

Learn how to integrate Paypal payment gateway with Laravel 5.4

Learn how to implement infinite ajax scroll pagination in Laravel 5

Hardik Savani wrote a nice tutorial on how to implement infinite ajax scroll pagination in Laravel 5.

Learn how to implement infinite ajax scroll pagination in Laravel 5

​Powerful and cheap cloud servers for our Laravel PHP applications!

​Looking for good cloud servers to deploy your Laravel applications? Check out Host1Plus cloud servers!

​Powerful and cheap cloud servers for our Laravel PHP applications!

Building A Support Ticket System [3rd Edition]

# Chapter 3: Building A Support Ticket System

In this chapter, we will build a support ticket system to learn about Laravel main features, such as Eloquent ORM, Eloquent Relationships, Migrations, Requests, Laravel Collective, sending emails, etc.

Building Our First Website [3rd Edition]

# Chapter 2: Building Our First Website

Now that we know how to install Laravel, let's start working our way into our first Laravel website. In this chapter, you will learn about Laravel structure, routes, Controllers, Blade templates, Artisa

Build a blog with Laravel 5 and Vue.js in minutes using PJ Blog

PJ Blog is an open source blog built with Laravel and Vue.js that we can use to create a full Laravel blog quickly.

Build a blog with Laravel 5 and Vue.js in minutes using PJ Blog

Learn how to setup browsersync in Laravel inside Docker

DanZeuss wrote a nice tutorial how to setup BrowserSync in Laravel inside Docker.

Learn how to setup browsersync in Laravel inside Docker

Learn how to migrate from gulp to webpack in Laravel 5.4

rap2hpoutre shows us how to migrate from gulp to webpack in Laravel 5.4.

Learn how to migrate from gulp to webpack in Laravel 5.4