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Track visitors in Laravel apps with Laravel Visits

Laravel Visits is a counter that can be attached to any model to track its visits based on Redis.

Track visitors in Laravel apps with Laravel Visits

Laravel Amazon SES - Get statistics for emails you send through SES

A Laravel Package that allows you to get simple sending statistics for emails you send through SES, including deliveries, opens, bounces, complaints, and link tracking

Laravel Amazon SES - Get statistics for emails you send through SES

Learn how to build a Password Less Authentication System with Laravel Signed Routes

Sujip thapa shows us the process of customizing to use passwordless authentication system with the Laravel framework.

Learn how to build a Password Less Authentication System with Laravel Signed Routes

LaraBug  - A Laravel Exception Tool Helper

Dennis Smink developed a nice package to help us find bugs in a Laravel app easily.

LaraBug  - A Laravel Exception Tool Helper

Learn how to work with Laravel Queues

Code Briefly wrote a nice tutorial on how to use Laravel queues.

Learn how to work with Laravel Queues

Generate your Laravel resource fields with no pain!

INANI El Houssain created a package that we can use to generate the fields array based on the columns related to the model.

Generate your Laravel resource fields with no pain!

Laravel LogNotify - display notifications in real-time

This is a good Laravel package which can be used to automatically show notifications in real-time whenever there is new log entry made anywhere in an application.

Laravel LogNotify - display notifications in real-time

All new features in Laravel 5.7

kodementor point out all new features in Laravel 5.7.

All new features in Laravel 5.7