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Upload pictures using mobile friendly Vue.js component

Mobile-friendly picture file input Vue.js component with image preview, drag and drop, EXIF orientation, and more.

Upload pictures using mobile friendly Vue.js component

Capture and visualize mouse activity in a heatmap with Vue.js

vue-heatmapjs is a good Vue.js package that we can use to capture and visualize mouse activity in a heatmap.

Capture and visualize mouse activity in a heatmap with Vue.js

Vant - A Vue.js 2 Mobile UI Library

Vant is a library of UI components created for mobile applications. Vant is based on Vue.js. You can use these components to create mobile applications.

Vant - A Vue.js 2 Mobile UI Library

The best programming Black Friday 2017 deals

Black Friday is officially here! Let's checkout some best deals!

The best programming Black Friday 2017 deals

Space Snake - A Desktop game built with Electron and Vue.js

Space Snake is a free desktop game built with Electron and Vue.js.

Space Snake - A Desktop game built with Electron and Vue.js

V-Calendar - A clean and lightweight Vue.js calendar plugin

V-Calendar is a clean and lightweight Vue.js plugin for displaying simple, annotated calendars.

It was designed from the outset with extendability and customization in mind. However, it also has some neat built-in ways to communicate information t

V-Calendar - A clean and lightweight Vue.js calendar plugin

A simple card game built with Vue.js

Eleventh Card Trick is a simple card game built with Vue.js.

A simple card game built with Vue.js

Drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.js

Vue Konva is a library that enables drawing of complex canvas graphics using Vue components and events.

Drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.js