Noor Ali has written a good tutorial about creating an IoT device using Raspberry Pi and Laravel 5.

This is the first step in building a smart home system.

Rasperibi and Laravel

Iternet of Things (IoT)—or as I like to explain it—is simply the Extended Internet. It is a fabric of systems that can be a gadget, a device, a machine or even your pet that are uniquely identified over the network without human to computer interactions.

According to Google, there is the potential for 50 billion connected devices by 2020. With embedded computers getting commonplace, we are reaching new avenues With embedded computers getting commonplace, we are reaching new avenues to explore the true potential of the Internet. We are expanding our capabilities to grab as much data as possible.

With such advancement, nobody would like to miss a chance to enter this area as soon as possible. Whether you have a cash machine at your store of which you want continuous updates, or you have your servers for which you continuously require health monitoring or it can be simple wireless nodes you have made to monitor electricity consumption of your office and home.

It will help you gain new data-driven insights and drive actions from IoT by connecting, analyzing, and integrating device data into your business processes and applications, enabling your business to deliver innovative new services faster and with less risk.