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Use illuminate\routing package outside Laravel 4

Learn how to use illuminate\routing package outside Laravel 4.

Let’s talk Gulp

Learn how to implement Gulp to your Laravel 4 application:

Decoupling your code in Laravel

A good tutorial about decoupling our code in Laravel using Repositiories and Services:

Laravel Dynamic Menu Tutorial

Learn how to create Laravel dynamic menu (Best for Admin packages)

Language switching in Laravel 4

How to get language switching back with language prefix and language-related route in Laravel 4

Using Laravel 4's Model Events

Learn how to use Model's event in Laravel 4

Understanding Laravel Route Parameters

Understanding Laravel Route Parameters

Laravel To Do List App

Learn to build a todo-list Laravel 4 app from scratch

How To Create File Upload With Laravel

Learn how to create file upload with Laravel

How To Create File Upload With Laravel

Generate a sitemap using Laravel

Learn how to add a sitemap to your Laravel 4 application.