Good Laravel Scripts/CMSs that you should know (Part 1)
One of the best ways to learn Laravel is looking at the source code of good built apps. Here is a list of premium scripts that you can get to learn, or use them for your production sites:
SximoBuilder - A Laravel CMS & CRUD Builder
SximoBuilder is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of PHP quickly from MySQL. You can instantly create web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the web. SximoBuilder is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate PHP applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. SximoBuilder can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced develpers alike.
Link: SximoBuilder - A Laravel CMS & CRUD Builder
Ninja Media Script
This is the most popular Laravel script, which was featured on CodeCanyon. Ninja Media Script is a viral fun media sharing script. It's super easy to install and you can easily customize to make it your own. Users can sign up using Facebook, Google, email, etc. The scripts allows users to upload and like Video, GIFs, and other kind of images.
Link: Ninja Media Script
ArtVenue : Community Script
If you want to start your own photo sharing community, ArtVenue is a cool script that you can get.
Link: ArtVenue : Community Script
MTDb - Ultimate Movie&TV Database
MTDb is a fully featured Movie/TV series database, it comes with advanced membership system, critics and user reviews system, news system, you can use it as a CMS and create your own movies/series or edit existing ones, it can automaticaly fetch movies/series data, featured trailers, news and movies now playing in theaters, it is fully responsive and built on top of laravel and bootstrap frameworks.
Link: MTDb - Ultimate Movie&TV Database
Inspire - Dribbble, Forrst, and Behance Board
Inspire is a curated web app of designs, illustrations, art, and creative images. The images and designs are pulled from popular networks such as dribbble, forrst, and behance.
Link: Inspire - Dribbble, Forrst, and Behance Board
Josh - Laravel Admin Template
Link: Josh - Laravel Admin Template
Josh Laravel Admin template is laravel admin template based on bootstrap
It comes with more than 80 pages to save you lot of time when developing a new laravel project.
It has user management, group management built in so you can start using it right away for your project.
Register, login, forget password, add user etc pages has database functionality.
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