Heroku is one of the most popular Cloud Platform now-a-days, and I really love to use it.

Recently I have tried that how can I deploy my Laravel 5 application on Heroku. Yeah, there are a lot of guidelines out there but I have faced some problems and I would like to share it thus anyone can put their laravel project on the cloud without any kinda troubles. Hope that sounds good.

I have also made a screen-cast on this, feel free to leave comments or any suggestions about the tutorial.

Okay, firstly you must have an account in Heroku, it will take just a minute or two to create your account and Heroku will ask you to confirm your account via an e-mail which will be sent to your mail address, that's it.

Next, we have to install a fresh copy of laravel. I am not going to talk more about this because I have already written a post on it or you can just go through the laravel official guidelines to have more information about installing laravel.

So, I will just go to my command-line and install laravel via composer. Remember, you must have composer installed in your machine, it is mandatory.

composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel_on_heroku --prefer-dist

We have to initialize a git repository in our project. But before that, we have some important works to do. Firstly, we have to delete the .env.example