Rollbar is gaining a huge popularity in Laravel community. We can use Rollbar to track production errors and deployments in 8 minutes or less.

Rollbar is free to use and it supports all major languages and frameworks, such as PHP, Node.js, Angularjs, Ruby, Java, Swift, Python, etc.



Here is a list of Rollbar's prominent features:

Rollbar works with all major languages and frameworks

Rollbar collects a wide variety of context data, including detailed stack traces, request params, URL, environment, affected users andmuch more

Review error trends by occurrence, browser, deployment, OS, location, user, host.

With Rollbar, your application errors automatically get grouped by root cause.

See which users experienced specific errors. Or look up the full history of errors seen by a particular user.

rollbar package

How to use Rollbar?

Visit Rollbar homepage to learn more and register a new account. It's totally free:

Rollbar homepage

Download the Rollbar package and learn how to install it at:

Laravel and Rollbar package

Let's keep our apps healthy and users happy!