Laraship is an administration platform for any SAAS application, powered By Laravel 5.5 and Stripe to provide a comprehensive set of features for any subscription platform.

laravel ship


User Management.

Profile Management: with Profile image cropper.

Access Control: including Roles and Permissions

Authentication Management : Login / Register / Forgot Password.

Product Managment: Supports Multiple Products with different subscriptions for each.

Plans Management: with auto Integration with Stripe

Subscription Management : Subscribe / Cancel Subscription / Upgrade Subscription / Changed Credit Card Information / View Invoices / Cancel Subscription.

WebHooks: handle incoming stripe requests for different events.

Features Management: Attach features so that they can be used for usage tracking and building pricing table

Automatic Price Table Building.

Menu Builder: Manage dashboard and website menus

Setting Management: handle different settings like single value, array, files, numeric…

Content Management System: manage pages, posts, news, categories, tags with Page Builder

Activity log: monitors user activities and handle exceptions.

Slider Manager: includes video / image and HTML types.

File Manager: manage your files and embed them easily to HTML editors.

Google Analytics Integration: visitor analytics on your dashboard.

Awesome Dashboard: with System overview analytics.

Widgets: snippets to be included easily

Latest Version of Laravel with Laravel 5.5 & Bootstrap 3

AdminLTE theme for the dashboard and additional frontend theme.

Responsive and tested on all modern browsers.

Modular structure for scalability and maintainability.

SEO friendly: Ease of set titles and meta tags and metas for twitter and opengraph.

Periodic updates and additional features.

Incredible support team.

Available for Freelance and customizations.

Detailed documentation.

Widgets & Shortcodes for easy embedding.

Multiple Currencies.

Other Payment gateways can be supported upon request.
