InfyOm Technologies has created a good Laravel package to generate APIs and scaffold CRUD. It's free and very useful. Check it out!

laravel api


We have worked on many projects that required creating APIs and scaffold CRUD type of thing. And the problem that we faced was every time create a bunch of files like Migration, Model, Controller, Repository and even test cases.

So finally we wanted a way to streamline this process and my first package laravel-api-generator package was born. In a few days it got a huge attraction and laravel community started using it with various issues, pull requests and feature requests.

That was all running fine, but still, we were not fully satisfied with features where we can have the option to generate test cases, swagger annotations, auth scaffold, layouts and scaffold templates of your choice of CSS framework like bootstrap, materializecss, semantic-ui etc.

so we decided to rewrite the package in a fully modular way with a bunch of new features. And by the time we created this new package.


Here is the full feature list of package:

Core Features





routes.php adjustment

API Generator

API Controller

Limit, Search, Offset & Sort Options

Scaffold Generator


Views (List, Create, Update, Delete)

Pagination Records

Bootstrap or AdminLTE Templates support

Test cases for API and Repository

Swagger Generation (with jlapp/swaggervel)

Generate CRUD from existing Table

Save schema & Generate CRUD from schema file

Support to Publish and Customize templates

Publish Layout for admin panel & Auth files

Individual commands for file generation

Rollback command to delete generated files


Soft Delete

DataTables support

Custom Table Name

Generator CURD with prefix option

Download and documentation

You can download this package at:

The documentation is available at:

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Have fun coding!