Social login is one of the easiest options for users to log into your site. At Stormpath, we’ve made social login easy for you to build by adding Facebook and Google login to the Stormpath Laravel integration.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up Facebook and Google to allow you to add social login into your Stormpath Laravel application. This will allow your users to log into your application with both their account stored in Stormpath, and their Facebook or Google ID. There are only a few steps to take to enable social identity providers, and in this post, I will walk you through each of these steps.

The Stormpath Laravel integration automatically looks at the Application you provide and recognizes which social providers you’ve already created. In turn, it will display the appropriate “login with” buttons on the login page.

Follow along with me to quickly get Facebook and Google up and running in your app.

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Set Up Facebook Social Login

To allow login from Facebook, there are a few steps we first have to complete. – Create a Facebook app – Setup allowed URL’s – Create Facebook directory in Stormpath – Extra Configuration Options

Create a Facebook application

The first thing you need to do is log into the Facebook Developer Site and create a new Facebook App.

You can do this by visiting the Facebook Developer Site and clicking the “My Apps” menu at the top of the screen, then select the “Create a New App” button. You should see something like the following:

Facebook New App

If you already have an application, you will be presented with a different screen, please click on the www icon and then Create a New App ID

Pick a Display name for your application. This is the name that will be used when presenting it to the user who is trying to log in. You can skip the Namespace as it is not needed for our example. The last thing is to pick the category of your application.

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