Protect your websites with Laravel Firewall
This package intends to protect your Laravel app from different type of attacks such as XSS, SQLi, RFI, LFI, User Agent, and a lot more.
This package intends to protect your Laravel app from different type of attacks such as XSS, SQLi, RFI, LFI, User Agent, and a lot more.
If you need to know exactly who your visitors are and where they’re coming from, you can use ipstack to identify websites visitors.
Creating a falsy condition helper helps you to not write the inverter notation while writing your if conditions which is sort of annoying.
Oliver Sarfas wrote a good tutorial on how to build JSON APIs with Laravel 5.
Welcm sets up Laravel's powerful debug assistant and takes an in-depth look at its features.
This post describes how to use the yajra datatable package in Laravel 5.8 and how can we make date range filter in data table with server-side processing in Laravel 5.8 framework.
Hardik Savani wrote a good tutorial on how to change User Status to Active or InActive in Laravel 5.
In this short tutorial, I will go over on how you can install TailWindCSS on Laravel project. TailWindCSS is a utility-first based CSS framework, and is gaining a lot of popularity because of its ease of use and customer satisfaction.
Learning Angular with Laravel 5 by building practical single-page applications!
Wanna learn everything about Laravel, AJAX, jQuery and front-end components? This new book is for you!